Type of fishing

Zones and workdays

Techniques and ecological impact

Socioeconomic aspects

Artisan (small scale)

Littoral (less than 12 miles from the coast)

They return the same day

Artes Light tackle, very selective.

Practically zero ecological impact on seabed.

Interest in the sustainability of their littorals.

Less energy consumption.

Maximum use per kilo of fish.

Low costs, better profitability.

More homogeneous distribution of revenue among the community.

Conserves fishery culture.

Industrial (large scale)

High seas (distant international waters in all oceans and waters of other countries)

They can be several months at sea .

Trawling is most common (a little more than half), very unselective, and has a significant impact on the seabed.

Detached from a concrete area, conducive to overexploitation.

Large energy consumption (3-7 times more than artisan and 2-3 times more than semi-industrial per tonne of fish).

Minimum use per kilo of fish.

Requires very large investments, low profitability, and subsidies essential.

Revenue distributed vertically and unequally.

Semi-industrial (medium scale)

Littoral (except less than 3-5 miles from the coast) and high seas (European, close international, and Saharan waters).

They can return the same day or be up to a month at sea.

Fishing line and seine, quite selective, and little or no impact on the bottom.

Trawling (majority in the Mediterranean) may have less impact than in industrial fishing, depending on the scale.

More or less overexploitation depending on the scale.

Medium energy consumption.

Combines aspects of both depending on the scale.