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MEDIA » Videos


Presented below are different videos on sustainable consumption and production and on sound chemicals management.

Some of these were  produced by the Regional Activity Center for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) to help raise awareness of the different environmental problems in the Mediterranean region. Others show the Center’s participation in various regional initiatives.

POPs in electronics

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POPs in food

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Prevenciónd de la contaminación en la industria láctea (1)

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Prevention of pollution in the Dairy Industry (2)

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Prevention of pollution in the Dairy Industry (1)

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Good Practices, Good Environment, Good Olive Oil (Part 2)

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Good Practices, Good Environment, Good Olive Oil

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Entrevista a Virginia Alzina - Conferencia Ecomediterránea

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Entrevista a Virginia Alzina en la EX-COP de Bali

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¡Cámbiate la bombilla!

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Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)