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Nouvelles 2021

15 juin 2021
Application open until July 15th for the WeMed Award!

The WeMed Mediterranean Sustainability Award is one of the first awards aiming to recognize an inclusive transition to sustainability in the Mediterranean. The region of the southern Mediterreanean faces an array of environmental and social challenges. Climate change, demographic growth, urbanization and increased resource consumption and waste are just a few of these challenges that require radical change to confront.

In its first edition 2021, the award seeks to identify change makers within the following categories:

8 juin 2021
SCP/RAC et Expédition MED signent un accord de partenariat pour éduquer les populations méditerranéennes aux enjeux de la pollution plastique

Un nouveau partenariat prometteur a été signé ce 20 Mai 2021 entre les représentants de l'association Expédition MED et les représentants du centre d'Activité Régional pour la Consommation et la Production durable (SCP/RAC) afin qu'ils relèvent ensemble les défis environnementaux, sociaux et économiques liés à la pollution plastique en Méditerranée.

A travers ce partenariat, les deux organisations souhaitent accroître l'impact de leurs actions respectives dans le domaine de la lutte contre les déchets marins et de l'identification de solutions locales.

5 juin 2021
Preventing, halting and reversing the degradation of ecosystems: how does SCP/RAC contribute to the Mediterranean efforts on ecosystem restoration

At the occasion of the World Environment Day (5th June), the UN Environment Programme is launching the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration as a global rallying cry to heal our planet., recalling for the need to recreate, initiate, or accelerate the recovery of an ecosystem that has been disturbed.  

2 juin 2021
Overview of the first days of the SCP/RAC National Focal Points meeting

On 1-3 June 2021, the 13th Meeting of SCP/RAC National Focal Points is being held online.

1 juin 2021
Towards COP22: SCP/RAC National Focal Points meet online from June 1 to 3

SCP/RAC is bringing together its National Focal Points for their 13th meeting, held online from June 1 to 3. A great occasion for the SCP/RAC team to present the past and future activities of the centre and to review on SCP/RAC ‘s activities in compliance with the Programme of Work 2020-2021 adopted at COP21.

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)