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Arxiu de notícies » Improving WEEE management in the Mediterranean Region

Improving WEEE management in the Mediterranean Region

23 Juny 2011 | Actualitzat: 13 Juliol 2011
Horizon 2020 Initiative course on WEEE in Belgium

From 20th to 22nd of June was held in Brussels (Belgium) a course within the framework of Horizon 2020 capacity building programme. The course was focused in the management of waste and from electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE).

In the event the participants were trained in order to increase their understanding of the complex and multidimensional problems of WEEE and to improve their skills to allow them for appropriate decisions making regarding WEEE management options.

The lectures, group discussion and case studies were focused on different aspects of the WEEE management such as legislation and conventions that affects WEEE, scale of the problem (sources and types), environmental and socio-economic impacts, monitoring programs, best practices on management, information and communication tools and the importance of developing a sustainable WEEE management action plan.

The UNEP / MAP Regional Activity Center for Cleaner Production (RAC/CP) participated in the course as a lecturer in the conference titled “Conventions affecting WEEE management”. The main focus of this lecture was to emphasize the synergies of the work done by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and the sustainable WEEE management. The Catalan Waste Agency also leaded a lecturer focused in the WEEE management in this region of Spain.

The course was organized by the Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resources Management (ACR+) with the support from VVSG and Waste.nl

More information: www.h2020.net


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)