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Noticias de 2018

28 Noviembre 2018
SCP/RAC is looking for an expert in Morocco: Extended producers responsibility, and focus on plastic packaging

Call for consultants –Extended producers responsibility in Morocco, focus on plastic packaging 

SCP/RAC, within the UN Environment/ MAP led Marine Litter Med project, has launched a call for consultants to offer technical support to develop a process of integration of the principle of the extended producers' responsibility (REP) in Morocco. In particular, this technical assistance should focus on packaging waste, including plastic packaging.

28 Noviembre 2018
SCP/RAC is looking for an expert on plastics and Marine Litter in the Mediterranean

The selected expert will contribute to the 2019 Mediterranean State of the Environment and Development report (SoED 2019).

Download the ToR 


SCP/RAC is currently involved in the preparation of the 2019 Mediterranean State of the Environment and Development report (SoED 2019) which is being prepared by Plan Bleu.

15 Junio 2018
SCP/RAC assists to an expert meeting in Nairobi to define actions at the global level to fight against marine litter and micro plastics
  • In 2050, practically all species of seabirds on the planet will eat plastic. On this year, there will be more plastics in the sea than fish.
  • 8 tons of plastic enters our seas every year.
  • More than 40% of the plastic is used only once, before being thrown.
  • The lifespan of a plastic bag is 16 minutes on average. Then it will take 450 years to degrade.
17 Mayo 2018
Appel d'offre: candidature ouverte pour un expert ou groupe d'experts en communication en Tunisie

Dans le cadre du développement d’un projet pilote sur l’élimination du plomb dans la peinture en Tunisie, un projet mis en œuvre dans le cadre du Programme  SwitchMed et permettant de contribuer aux objectifs de Leer la noticia entera

23 Abril 2018
Plastic Busters MPAs: a new project to end up with plastic marine litter in the Med

Welcome to Plastic Busters MPAs! The new Interreg Med project will benefit from SCP/RAC’s expertise on marine litter solutions to tackle this issue in the Med Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The project had been launched during the 1st Steering committee meeting and the kick-off meeting, both held in Siena (Italy) on the 15th and 16th of April 2018.

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)