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Archivo de noticias » Incubaeco 2013: the Incubation program for eco-entrepreneurs in Barcelona

Incubaeco 2013: the Incubation program for eco-entrepreneurs in Barcelona

27 Junio 2013

Dates: 1st  to 5th July 2013
Location: Eco-Working Barcelona and Palau Robert, Barcelona

Incubaeco 2013 is a comprehensive incubation program for eco-entrepreneurs that joins training, mentoring and networking. The program is organized by Incubaeco platform with the Regional Activity Center for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC) as partner.

The main goal of the training is the empowerment of participants on the concepts and tools provided by the Methodology for creating eco-business, which was developed and drove by CP/RAC, as well as the beginning of its application to their own business ideas.

The program is organized into morning sessions focused on studying the Methodology for creating eco-business and the afternoon sessions are dedicated to mentoring with experts on eco-entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship in general and environment.

The event will conclude with the presentation of the projects in an “elevator pitch” format, the Roundtable “Driving eco-entrepreneurs projects and ecosystems” and the Awards ceremony.

For further information: http://incubaeco.org/


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)