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Archivo de noticias » Minimizing the environmental impact in the olive oil, and poultry farming sectors in Albania

Minimizing the environmental impact in the olive oil, and poultry farming sectors in Albania

4 Julio 2011 | Actualizado: 7 Septiembre 2011
Cleaner tecnologies capacity building in Albania

Olive oil production and poultry farming were at the centre of the latest national training course organized in Albania within the framework of the Horizon 2020 CB/MEP project. The two-day training course (30 June- 1 July) introduced trainees to the best environmental practices and cleaner technologies with the overarching goal to minimize the environmental impact of the olive oil and poultry farming sectors.

The course was attended by twenty professionals from all over Albania, including farmers, representatives from the central and local authorities and various stakeholders and entrepreneurs.

During the workshop, the trainees had the opportunity to learn about the guiding principles of cleaner production, to examine case studies from the Mediterranean region and gain knowledge on Best Available Techniques.

The course was organized by UNEP/MAP’s Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC).

More information: www.h2020.net



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