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Archivo de noticias » Workshop on education for sustainable consumption and production with youth volunteers of Red Cross and Red Crescent

Workshop on education for sustainable consumption and production with youth volunteers of Red Cross and Red Crescent

29 Julio 2011 | Actualizado: 13 Septiembre 2011
Atlantis VII Youth Camp "Young volunteers in Action"

For the second time, the Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production (CP/RAC) participated in the Atlantis youth camp organized by the Cooperation Center in the Mediterranean (CCM) of Red Cross and Red Crescent. The 7th edition of Atlantis was held in Hammamet (Tunisia) from the 2nd to the 9th of July and was attended by 68 youths, aged between 18 and 28 years, volunteers of Red Cross and Red Crescent in the Mediterranean.

The objective of Atlantis is to strengthen the skills of youth voluntary active national antennas of Red Cross and Red Crescent; as well as their knowledge of practical tools to help meet humanitarian and environmental challenges on many levels, beginning with its local community.

CP/RAC supported the organization of the event and participated by organizing a workshop on education for sustainable consumption and production. In the workshop, participants were introduced to the concept of ecological footprint, life cycle, consumption patterns, sustainable lifestyles, and so on. The workshop was structured with practical activities for young people regarding major environmental challenges,  impact created by the current lifestyles, complexity of the links between production and  consumption, education and governance, environmental impacts induced by the products throughout their life cycles, and redesign of a product in view of reducing environmental impacts throughout their life cycle.

At the end of the workshop participants had to prepare a brief play, a mime and a song about what had inspired the workshop. In addition, each of them promised to do some action when they returned to their countries, such as presenting the video "The story of stuff", organizing the selective waste collection, raise a group of children and adolescents, organizing artistic activities, go by bike than by car, etc.

96% of youth who participated in the workshop evaluated it between good and excellent, and the CP/RAC is still in touch with them to monitor and support the activities to which they committed.

More information: www.mediterraneumrc.org



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