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Nouvelles 2017

13 décembre 2017
SCP/RAC and UN Environment/MAP contribute to the “New Plastics Economy” report, led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

On December 13th, the conference entitled "Towards a New Plastic Economy" took place at the "Ministère de l’Economie" in Paris. This conference highlights the latest report published by Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation, “The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the future of plastic and catalyzing action”, with the support of UN ENvironment/MAP, SCP/RAC, the ARC and the EU-funded SwitchMed programme.

14 novembre 2017
Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award: public voting is open until 21st of November, vote now!

The Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award aims to recognize and reward the efforts of local authorities to improve the environment and the quality of life and promote sustainable development in Mediterranean coastal towns and cities. It also aims to encourage local authorities to move towards a more environment friendly future and enable them to act as a role-model to inspire other towns and cities.

11 juillet 2017
ACT4LITTER in full swing - Combating marine litter in Mediterranean MPAs

Just few months after the ACT4LITTER kick-off and all project activities are in full swing!

12 juin 2017
Découvrez dès maintenant l’intégralité du Plan d’Action Régional CPD pour la Méditerranée, à télécharger !

Le Plan d’Action Régional sur la Consommation et la Production Durables en Méditerranée est entièrement disponible dans sa version française et anglaise. 

6 juin 2017
“Dioxinas” y “Espectrometría de Masas”: palabras llaves de un evento unico celebrado en Barcelona, del 12 al 16 de junio 2017

El Laboratorio de Dioxinas del IDAEA-CSIC de Barcelona y el grupo de Química Analítica (Análisis de Contaminantes) de la Universidad de Barcelona, tienen el placer de organizar la  Leer la noticia entera

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)