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Nouvelles 2020

31 mars 2020
Morocco, Egypt and Montenegro: SCP/RAC calls for national experts to gather information on single use plastic items at country level, and related socioeconomic information

Following SCP/RAC work on guidelines to phase out single use plastic bags and guidelines to address single-use plastics through public procurement, the Centre has been mandated by the  Barcelona Convention Contracting Parties to elaborate policy guidelines to r

31 mars 2020
SCP/RAC calls for international experts for the preparation of policy guidelines to address single use plastic items in the Mediterranean region
16 mars 2020
SCP/RAC joined global efforts to tackle the plastic waste crisis

The centre participated to the first meeting of the Basel Convention Plastic Waste Partnership working group, established through the Decision BC-14/13 adopted at the COP14 to the Basel Convention (2019).

13 mars 2020
Announcement: SCP/RAC supports the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro to implement "green" practices in relation to plastics and waste

The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro (MORiT) is committed to implement new "green" practices. Some of the measures implemented are the replacement of water in plastic bottles by tap water in glass jugs with an engraved Ministry logo and the elimination of plastic straws, spoons and mixers at the cafeteria. Cotton durable cleaners and gloves have been delivered to the cleaning service. As for sorting waste, the collection of used paper will be enhanced by dedicated cardboard boxes in each office room, and new PET bottles containers have been placed.

23 janvier 2020
Guidelines to phase out single-use plastic bags in the Mediterranean adopted by the Barcelona Convention – gaining momentum to abate them!
  • COP21 of the Barcelona Convention (2-5 December 2019) has approved these guidelines, together with other marine litter related ones, all included under Decision IG.24/11.
Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)