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Archives des nouvelles » BAT4MED round of closing events around the Mediterranean

BAT4MED round of closing events around the Mediterranean

2 mai 2013 | Updated: 27 mai 2013

As the project is coming to an end, the BAT4MED team is undertaking a round of closing events in Eastern and Southern Mediterranean countries, in order to present national stakeholders with the project results.

The BAT4MED team will begin its journey around the Mediterranean in the 3 Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC), in order to present to the national stakeholders the conclusion of the project for their countries. The team will go then to the countries that weren’t part of the project consortium to present them with the project experience, and the possibility of a replica.

The BAT4MED team will take the following itinerary:
-    May 21st, Cairo, Egypt
-    May 28th, Tunis, Tunisia
-    May 30th, Casablanca, Morocco
Dates for the events in Beirut (Lebanon), Algiers (Algeria), Tripoli (Libya) and Ramallah (OPT) are still to be confirmed with national stakeholders.  

The round of events will be held in parallel with the international conference that will take place in Amman, Jordan, on June 27th 2013, where all relevant stakeholders from around the Mediterranean will be invited in order to discuss the adaptation and implementation of the IPPC directive in the Mediterranean context, based upon the BAT4MED experience.


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