Greco Initiative - Green competitiveness

Cleaner production, the way to make profits mediterranean countries promoting sustainable production in the Mediterranean region focusing on cleaner production and polution prevention


It is shown in the analysis of the100 case studies from companies that have applied Cleaner Production solutions that investing in good practices and the best available techniques brings to businesses both environmental an economic benefits making savings and increasing profitability through:

Saving and optimizing the use of energy, water and row material
Replacing hazardous materials
Reducing waste flows: wastewater, solid waste, air pollution….


 The GRECO report shows that most Cleaner Production solutions require only minor investments; and payback period take less than a month.

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GRECO Initiative is about promoting an environmental approach to reshape the way to do business.


C. Dr. Roux 80, 08017 Barcelona
tfn +34 935 538 790

Regional Activity centre for cleaner Production UNEP logo_3 logo_4 Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Generalitat-departament Environment and Housing