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Notícies de 2014

2 Juny 2014
Participació del SCP/RAC al Fòrum SWEEP-NET

El SCP/RAC ha participat al quart Fòrum Regional SWEEP-NET celebrat a Amman  (Jordània) del 13 al 15 de Maig de 2014. SWEEP-NET és una iniciativa regional d'intercanvi d'informació i coneixements especialitzats en residus sòlids als països del Magreb i del Mashreq.

29 Maig 2014
SWITCH-Med Programme goes online soon

SWITCH-Med Programme launches on the 5th of June its new web platform www.switchmed.eu presenting the latest actions by policy-makers, industry, entrepreneurs and civil society towards sustainable consumption and production in the Mediterranean.

26 Maig 2014
17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production

From 14-16 October, 2014, Portoroz (Slovenia) will host the 17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP 2014).

23 Maig 2014
SWITCH-Med represented at the Joint MED International Workshop in Bologna

Last 14th of May the international workshop “Sustainable Development: products, consumption, promotion and territorial marketing” took place in the Province of Bologna. The event was organized by the Province of Bologna in the framework of the projects ECO-SCP-MED, MER, Medland 2020 and ZEROWASTE Pro within the capitalization process of MED Programme.

22 Maig 2014
Alger hosted a training of H2020 on eco-innovation and sustainable industrial areas

SCP/RAC and MIO-ESCDE organized a new training on eco-innovation, industrial ecology and clean production in Alger on 6th-7th May 2014, in the framework of the EC funded Horizon 2020 Initiative. Around 35 delegates from public administration, private businesses and civil society attended the 2 days workshop.

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)