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Noticias de 2020

9 Abril 2020
Learn about the #BagToTheFuture Wrap Up Event in Cairo, a social impact hackathon on plastics


Exploring entrepreneurial solutions to enhance alternatives to SUPBs and facilitate waste management




8 Abril 2020
SCP/RAC seeks three regional experts to develop policy measures for green businesses in the Mediterranean

SCP/RAC is seeking three regional experts to assist with the formulation of recommendations on regional policy measures to support the development of green and circular economy businesses and to strengthen the demand for more sustainable products in the Mediterranean.  

2 Abril 2020
SCP/RAC is seeking an international expert for regional policy measures

SCP/RAC is seeking an international expert with knowledge of the EU policy, institutional and legal framework to assist with the formulation of recommendations on regional policy measures to support the development of green and circular economy businesses and to strengthen the demand for more sustainable products in the Mediterranean.

1 Abril 2020
SCP/RAC calls for the selection of an international consultant to support the mid-term evaluation of the Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the Mediterranean

In February 2016, during the COP 19 of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean, the Contracting Parties adopted a Regional Action Pl

31 Marzo 2020
Morocco, Egypt and Montenegro: SCP/RAC calls for national experts to gather information on single use plastic items at country level, and related socioeconomic information

Following SCP/RAC work on guidelines to phase out single use plastic bags and guidelines to address single-use plastics through public procurement, the Centre has been mandated by the  Barcelona Convention Contracting Parties to elaborate policy guidelines to r

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