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News Archive » 2016

News of 2016

28th September 2016
The Mediterranean celebrates Coast Day “Blue economy for a healthy Mediterranean”

For the 10th consecutive year, the Mediterranean celebrated the Coast Day, on 27 September this year in Barcelona under the theme “A blue economy for a healthy Mediterranean”.

20th September 2016
Constitution of a Platform on Marine Litter for the implementation of the Regional Plan

SCP/RAC participates in a  collaboration mechanism to facilitate the implementation of the the Regional Plan on Marine Litter in the Mediterranean. The platform was established the past 6th of September 2016, at the office of the coordinating unit of the Barcelona Convention in Athens.

16th September 2016
The Italian Ministry of Environment and UNEP/MAP sign a 4.5 million Euro Cooperation Agreement for the Protection of the Sea

The United Nations Environment Programme / Mediterranean Action Plan – Secretariat to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols (UNEP / MAP) and the Italian Ministry of Environment signed on 14 September in Rome, a bilateral cooperation agreement for the protection of the sea, in the presence of H.E Ms. Silvia Velo, the Italian Undersecretary for Environment.

15th September 2016
Mediterranean Coast Day 2016 - 27 September 2016 - BARCELONA

The Coast Day is an annual Mediterranean event aiming to increase environmental awareness among policy makers, academia, media, NGOs and the locals of the importance of good coast management for achieving sustainable development in the Mediterranean region. We also invite organizations active in the Blue Economy field to take part in the exhibition.

15th September 2016
Catalonia Eco-design Catalogue

A collection of more than 70 cases of sustainable products and services that are designed, produced and/or offered in Catalonia.

Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)