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News Archive » Heroes disembark in the Mediterranean to fight against single-use plastics

Heroes disembark in the Mediterranean to fight against single-use plastics

4th October 2018 | Updated: 5th October 2018

SCP/RAC and Zero Zbel (Zero Waste) have come together to promote solutions against single-use plastics among the Mediterranean inhabitants through the SwitchMed programme.

The heroes of the Mediterranean disembark against single-use plastics is a catalog of 15 superheroes who are promoting alternatives to disposable plastic. Indeed, we find this type of plastic everywhere: as grocery carriers, as food and beverage packaging and containers, etc. These plastics are cheap and often given away for free but it is nature and society who end up paying for this disproportionate and irrational misuse.

Download the catalog here. 

However, we have more sustainable, cleaner, affordable and cool alternatives! Some of them rescued from our old habits, others result of innovation. They are here to save us from plastic pollution, as heroes. We invite you to discover them along these pages and, above all, to use and promote them as much as possible. Together we can put an end on single-use plastics!

Working in the field in Morocco, where single-use plastic bags are banned since 2016, proved that there aren’t enough alternatives available and that shoppers find it difficult to obtain them and use them. Hence, this publication aims to raise awareness, and even reclaim the existence of daily options to fight against plastic pollution.

Languages: English, French and Arabic 


Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)