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News Archive » The GIMED project is hiring!

The GIMED project is hiring!

25th November 2019
  • SCP/RAC is looking for a specialist/consultant to develop an on-line access to market tool for green entrepreneurs.
  • Interested applicants are invited to submit their bid by 10th December midnight!

SCP/RAC is looking for a specialist/consultant to develop an on-line access to market tool for green entrepreneurs. The call for proposal is launched in the framework of the EU-funded ENI-CBC Med project “Green Impact MED – Positive Investments for Positive Impacts (GIMED)” – A_A.1.1_0142 aiming at supporting green entrepreneurs to better access finance and market in the Mediterranean.

The objective of the online tool is to provide green and circular entrepreneurs with a methodology that can build further capacity in target entrepreneurs concerning successful marketing of their products ideally based on an existing marketing plan. The consultancy will include the development of the content for an online use and the follow-up of the web design and programming.
The Terms of Reference can be found here.
Interested applicants are invited to submit their bid by 10th December midnight (CET) following the instruction laid down in the ToR.



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Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. Pavelló de Nostra Senyora de la Mercè Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona, Catalunya (Spain)